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2485 A0079 Archives of Manitoba     Canada's first Trade Tready. Viceroy and Governor of New France, Count Frontenac meeting with Iroquois Chiefs and Deputies of the Five Iorquois Nations at the mouth of the Cataraqui River (Now Kingston, Ontario). Frontenac planned a fort on Lake Ontario to resist the English and Dutch claims on the fur trade. To pacify the Iroquois and impress them, Frontenac brought an armed force of 400 including friendly Aglonquins and Hurons and several cannons. The Chiefs were received with presents and feasting. Convinced by Frontenac of his deep concern for their people, the Chiefs agreed to the French terms. Thus came about Canada's first Trade Treaty. Frontenac returned to Montreal confident that he held the key to the Great Lakes. On his return he took eight aboriginal children with him to be given a French education. Image from a painting by J.D. Kelly.  BearsCostumesExplorationFur TradePersonalities 1673, July 12
2346 A0075 Archives of Manitoba     Frontenac On Way To Cataraqui By Canoe  ExplorationPersonalities 1673
2365 A0076 Archives of Manitoba     Louis Frontenac Joins In War Dance. Drawing By C.W. Jefferys  DanceExplorationPersonalities 1673