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image no.: 3158
contact sheet: A0102
collection: Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame Collection
description: Winnipeg Blue Bombers, 1962 Grey Cup Champs. Bottom Row (L- R): Roger Savoie, Rod Homenuik, Ernie Pitts, Hal Ledyard, Joe Zaleski, Bud Grant, John Michels, Dave Burkholder, Frank Rigney, Leo Lewis, Ron Latourelle. 2nd Row (L- R): Ray Ash, Roger Hamelion, Cornell Piper, George Druxman, Neil Thomas, Roger Hagberg, Nick Miller, Gar Warren, Steve Patrick, Herb Gray. 3rd Row (L- R): Bob Jones, Farrel Funston, Rick Potter, Henry Janzen, Gord Rowland, Joe Williams, Norm Rauhaus, Gerry James, Gord Mackie. Back Row (L- R): Cec Luining, Bill Whisler, Sherwyn Thorson, Jack Bruzzel, Charlie Lindsay (Vice President), Jim Ausley (General Manager), Karl Wintemute (President), Dick Thornton, Jack Delveaux, Ken Ploen, Charlie Shepard
subject(s): FootballPersonalitiesSports
date: 1962