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image no.: 3384
contact sheet: A0109
collection: Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame Collection
description: Knox Church Football Team (L- R): (Back Row) P. Morrison; M. Mcbride; D. Sutherland; T.D. Thompson; J. Wilding; J. Meikle; H. Campbell. (Middle Row) K. Sutherland; K. Williamson; Rev. F.B. Duval; T. Sutherland; Rev. D.M Solandt; K. Sutherland; W.D. Thompson. (Front Row) J. Watson; G. Sutherland; A.G. Taylor; J. Sutherland; W. Watt. Insets: K.J. Johnson; T.A. Forster; C.A. Hill
subject(s): PersonalitiesSoccerSportsTrophiesUniforms
date: 1911-1912