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image no.: 53398
contact sheet: A1617
collection: Winnipeg Police Department Collection
description: St. James-Assiniboia Police Fastball Team, Winners Of The Manitoba Peace Officers Fastball League Title In 1970. The Team Captured The League Pennant And Went On To Defeat The West Kildonan Police In The Finals For The League Championship. Team Members Are (L- R) Standing: Ernie Carlton; Mike Altham; George Bryson; Wes Mclean; Bob Essery; Hal Matheson; Roy Heinrichs;Ken Owens; Roger Miller; Doug Summers; Vic Jasper. Front Row: Irv Schmidt; Bob Gill; Bill Elenduik; Gerry Pope, Manager; Dick Scott; Elmer Blanchard
subject(s): BaseballPersonalitiesPoliceSportsUniforms
date: 1970