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image no.: 6397
contact sheet: A0201
collection: Oblate Fathers' Collection
title: R.P.J.B. Carriere; R.P.G. Fafard; F.C.J. Heuchert, Missionaries Oblate of Mary Imaculate, with aboriginals Malrieval, Saskatchewan.
subject(s): PersonalitiesReligion
date: 1921, September
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image no.: 6397
contact sheet: A0201
collection: Oblate Fathers' Collection
title: R.P.J.B. Carriere; R.P.G. Fafard; F.C.J. Heuchert, Missionaries Oblate of Mary Imaculate, with aboriginals Marieval, Saskatchewan.
subject(s): ChildrenPersonalitiesReligionSchoolsWomen
date: 1921, September