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image no.: 9508
contact sheet: A0298
collection: Terry Rowen Collection
description: Salvation Army Citadel, Rupert Avenue & King Street, Winnipeg, Mb. Built At The Beginning Of The Century To Replace Earlier Headquarters Near The Same Site. The Army Arrived In Winnipeg In December, 1886, And In November, 1894, Reported That From 300 To 400 Men Were Being Sheltered Nightly In The Barracks. George Mccord, Tailor, Was Listed In City Directories At The Above Location From 1917 To 1930, And Johanna Good, Lady Barber, From 1912 To 1944. The Sign In Her Window Advertised Ladies' "Buster" Haircuts At 50 Cents, So She Apparently Catered To Women As Well As Supplying Shaves And Haircuts For Male Customers
subject(s): Barber ShopsCharitiesChurchesSalvation ArmyWinnipeg Buildings
date: 1903