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image no.: 21876
contact sheet: A0722
collection: Thorlakson Manitoba Medical College Collection
description: Manitoba Medical College Hockey Team. Intercollegiate Hockey Champions. Back Row: C.A. Lambert, C. Pt; J. Greig, Pt, Sec.- Treas; B. Lang, Pt; A.E. Walkey, Fwd. Middle Row: W. Musgrove, Vice - President; Dr. Gordon Bell, Hon. President; G.H. Walker, President; H.O. Mcdiarmid, C. Fwd; F.A. Smith, Goal; A. Campbell, Rover, Captain. In Front: F.J. Cadham, Fwd; H.J. Mcdermid, Fwd. Note Theskull And Cross Bones On Uniform Sweaters
subject(s): CostumesEquipmentHockeyMedicinePersonalitiesUniforms
date: 1903-1904