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image no.: 3039
contact sheet: A0098
collection: Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame Collection
description: Winnipeg Victorias 1912, Winners Of Allan Cup. Back Row (L- R): Charlie Belcher; W.R. Bawlf, Vice President; G.A. Wickson; C.W. Nash, Vice President; Fred Bawlf, Claude Robinson, Sec. Treasurer; Coo Dion; G.H. Stead, Assistant Secretary; Harry Sullivan, Trainer. Front Row (L- R): Basil Baker; Francis Caldwell; J.D. Pratt, President; Les Moffat, Captain; Dan Bain, Hon. President; Hammy Baker; Corky Fowler
subject(s): EquipmentHockeyPersonalitiesSportsTrophiesUniforms
date: 1912